Hi I’m Nancy and this is a brief introduction of myself and Cherryll. We are women. We are the Yin and Yang of women, the black and white with all the colors in between. We are different from each other and yet at the same time we are complimentary.  Sounds a little obtuse? Let me explain, we are both business owners, mothers of two children, we even drive the same car, mine is black hers is white, and we are as the French say “Women of a certain age”.

Cherryll is blonde and I’m a brunette (and our hairstylists will swear to it). Cherryll is a highly respected, established career woman. She reared her two boys as a single mom for most of their lives. She remarried after her boys were grown and launched, just about the time I was leaving my marriage. I had been a stay at home mom married for 30 years to a Silicon Valley CEO. As my 2 children began leaving the nest I went back to school to become a doctor of Chinese Medicine. About the time Cherryll had successfully secured her financial future and then a wonderful husband I jumped into the abyss, I began my new career as I ended my marriage.

How did we get together and why did we click with seemingly different lives? We are women and women support each other. We had something to teach each other and ultimately share with you. Cherryll shares my optimism, enthusiasm, thirst for knowledge, and has a delightful sense of humor. We liked each other immediately and so began a great friendship.

We are on a journey and we’d like you to join us, even jump in and contribute. Cherryll and I have learned a lot of lessons, albeit different ones, and that’s the beauty of it. Women base life on relationship, we want to share what we know with you and at the same time we want to hear from you. We will all move forward on our individual journey a little wiser for having traveled this part together because after all … We are Women.

Nancy B